Tanto and Daisho versus PVS-14
Product Overview
In this video, Ryan compares the Daisho and Tanto with the PVS-14 both as a standalone monocular and binocular setup.
NNVT, Photonis, and Autogating
Image Intensifier Comparison
This video features a detailed comparison between NNVT, Photonis tubes with a focus on autogating and contrast. We hooked these tubes up to our Hoffman machine to get as scientific of a test as possible.
Echo, Echo+ and Echo++ - Photonis Intensifiers ...
Starting Q2 2024 and continuing into 2025, Photonis (now Exosens) Echo intensifiers will move from 1600-2000 FOM to 1800-2200 FOM; Echo+ will move from 2000-2200+ FOM to 2200+ FOM. This...
Echo, Echo+ and Echo++ - Photonis Intensifiers ...
Starting Q2 2024 and continuing into 2025, Photonis (now Exosens) Echo intensifiers will move from 1600-2000 FOM to 1800-2200 FOM; Echo+ will move from 2000-2200+ FOM to 2200+ FOM. This...
Travelling for Night Vision Events [Domestic Ca...
As out-of-province night vision events become more popular in Canada, here's a guide on the best way to do so with your night vision device and/or firearms. This guide really...
Travelling for Night Vision Events [Domestic Ca...
As out-of-province night vision events become more popular in Canada, here's a guide on the best way to do so with your night vision device and/or firearms. This guide really...
NNVT - Comparison & Various Grades
As the popularity of night vision continues to grow, demand for quality night vision has also grown substantially, leading to long lead times and pre-orders for night vision. Recognizing the...
NNVT - Comparison & Various Grades
As the popularity of night vision continues to grow, demand for quality night vision has also grown substantially, leading to long lead times and pre-orders for night vision. Recognizing the...
Tube Selection and Specs - A Beginner's Guide
As part of our Hand-Select process, we typically go through a consultative process to understand each end user's experience level, requirements, and application. That said, we ultimately provide a refined...
Tube Selection and Specs - A Beginner's Guide
As part of our Hand-Select process, we typically go through a consultative process to understand each end user's experience level, requirements, and application. That said, we ultimately provide a refined...